Articels, experience reports,
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information for researchers
from researchers
In order to obtain a professorship at a university, a major research interest and successful research projects, as well as a passion for teaching, are basic requirements to achieve this career goal. The personal profile is further strengthened by research experience abroad.
To gain eligibility for a professorship at a university of applied sciences, a doctoral degree, university teaching experience, and sufficient practical experience in the particular field of interest are required. On the website of Research in Germany or the German Association of University Professors and Lecturers (DHV) you will find further information on how to apply for a professorship.
Moreover, there is the chance to work as a research assistant or lecturer as well as managing an institute within the faculty.
Besides the professional expertise, you should have further key skills that support your everyday research work. The Junior Scientist and International Researcher Center as part of Heine Research Academies offers different workshops and training programmes that will help you to professionalize the way you manage your day-to-day research work and will prepare you for (future) management tasks in research. The „Academic Career Development Programme“ supports you specifically on your way to professorship.
European information plattform for researchers
Euraxess - Researchers in Motion
Information plattform regarding the German research system
Research in Germany
Information plattform for transatlantic cooperation and return to Germany
German Academic International Network (GAIN)
Information plattform for building a research career in Germany
German Scholars Organization (GSO)
Information and statistics on an academic career in Germany can be obtained from the National Report on Junior Scholars 2021 (overview of key results).
“Junior scholars appear to improve their chances of being awarded a professorship if they finish a habilitation within a short period of time or at a relatively young age and are able to present a large portfolio of specialist publications. Gender does not have a significant influence on either the probability of being appointed professor or the time lapse between habilitation and appointment. A large proportion of those appointed obtain a post in the first three years after their habilitation.“ (Consortium for the National Report on Junior Scholars 2017)