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University Lecturer

University Lecturer have to master a variety of tasks. In addition to pure subject knowledge, didactic skills are particularly in demand. The tasks of university lecturers are (excerpt from the mission statement Academic Teacher at HHU:

  • Conception, implementation and evaluation of courses and academic teaching projects with students
  • Supervising and counselling of students
  • Administering examinations
  • Support in teaching and administrative tasks, e.g. activities in the organisation of courses and examinations, participation in the accreditation of courses of study as well as participation in teaching-related self-administration and committee work
  • Co-design of teaching and learning environments, of study programmes and curricula as well as participation in the long-term planning and further development of teaching (in the subject)
  • Cooperation and (interdisciplinary) networking with academic institutions, the economy, culture, politics, etc.


Qualification as 'Academic Teacher' at HHU

In order to optimally prepare university teachers for their teaching duties. The Düsseldorf Way of Training offers the possibility of specialising as an Academic Teacher. The university didactics programme provides comprehensive support here.


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