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Articles and experience reports for researchers

General conditions of the German higher education system

The general conditions of the German higher education system are such that about four postdocs with habilitation facing one elected faculty member (Consortium for National Report on Junior scholars, 2017, Summary on page 17). This means that you must be realistic about your career chances and also use the postdoc phase to prepare possible career pathways that lead to industry, governmental organizations, associations, service providers or directly into your own spin-off. Consider early on which path suits you and how it can be implemented.
All of these career paths which get further orientation here at Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf are supported by the Junior Scientist and International Researcher Center (JUNO) with a broad transferable skills training programme and networking events.

Below you will find a helpful compilation of articles and testimonials to support your postdoc.


YouTube Video – My 10 best tipps for postdocs by Matthias Rillig, professor of ecology at Freie Universität Berlin

Book recommendation:

  • What every postdoc needs to know, Liz Elvidge (Imperial College London, UK), Carol Spencely (University of Surrey, UK) and Emma Williams (EJW Solutions Ltd, UK, https://doi.org/10.1142/q0070
  • The Professor is In. The essential guide to turning your Ph.D. into a job by Kelsky, Karen, 2015. ISBN: 9780553419436 . The book can be borrowed from the HHU library.
  • Charting a Course For a successful research career, Free download

Research group leaders and junior professors


  • At the Helm: Leading Your Laboratory (English Edition), Kathy Barker, 2010, Cold Spring Harbor Lab. Press
  • Lab Dynamics: Management and Leadership Skills for Scientists, 2018, Cold Spring Harbor Lab. Press

Academic life in general

Mental Health

Work Life Balance

Academic Sucess

Research funding

Peer review

Working outside of academia