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HeRA Werkstatt - Exchanging among researchers

Heine Research Academies are supporting the individual career development of early career researchers and young academics of all subjects at HHU.


Part of it is to connect the young researchers and to facilitate networking and discussion of relevant research related topics. Bringing together interdisciplinary perceptions stimulates the exchange among each other and creates a greater awareness for certain topics. The “HeRA Werkstatt” is a workshop format which you are supposed to actively participate in by shaping the content and the outcome of the event. By talking and discussing your demands and concerns with each other we of Heine Research Academies can also think of solutions and means of further support. 
If you have a specific topic you are interested in and you want to discuss with your peers please let us know. HeRA Werkstatt events will take place on a regular basis, alternating in German or English.



Previous events

HeRA Werkstatt - Success factors for introverts and extroverts 03.11.2020

The difference between introverted and extroverted characteristics appears in almost every personality test.
However, hardly anyone knows what these characteristics specifically mean in daily life and communication. This is especially true for leadership strategies.
Extroverted superiors think and act differently than introverted bosses, according to the results of new studies. Introverted team members have different strengths and also completely different needs than their extroverted colleagues.

This talk was designed to help young and advanced leaders in academia - both introverts and extroverts - consider consequences for communication and cooperation.
Listeners got access to intro- and extroverted characteristics. They discovered - where their personal characteristics and their particular strengths and hurdles lie and - how they can take both into account in their team management.

The second part of the talk dealed with the concrete implementation in everyday management: Why and in what ways should we deal differently with intro- and extroverted colleagues? How can working conditions be designed in a way that  "quiet achievers“ feel just as motivated and valued as much as sociable, outward-looking team members?
The talk was interactive and encouraged dialogue between the participants. Dr. Sylvia Löhken provided a fresh perspective and fostered exchange as well as reflection on personal leadership strategies.

HeRA Werkstatt - Social net(t)working, 12.10.2017

Networking is important not only in the business economic field when it comes to careers but also in science. But how to do this in an efficient and secured way? Using the social networks like Xing, LinkedIn, ResearchGate etc. could make your live easier – if you are aware of some rules and recommendations.
The lecture  by Marcus Holzheimer taught the basics of successful social networking, ranging from basic principles (give & take, horizontal and vertical networking) of authentic self-marketing to recommendation management. Building and maintaining a professional reputation was also part of the event.

Your authentic Life „post-Postdoc“: Karriereschritte nach dem Postdoc, die zu Ihnen passen! 19.01.2017
What’s your authentic life? Where does the academic career ladder fit in that life? There are many pathways for a fascinating career and a brilliant life after the postdoc. But few talk about the alternatives to academia and how to get there from here. Prof. Heather Hofmeister, Professor for Sociology at University of Frankfurt broke the silence and talked through the varieties of futures awaiting post-docs in Germany and internationally. Together with the audience she introspected to see whether life’s calling may be found someplace it might not have been expected.  She took the doctoral and postdoctoral researchers on an exploration of the possibilities and left the audience feeling hopeful about for their future. Prof. Hofmeisters presentation was a combination of sociological research-backed evidence about the labor market and career coaching in a group setting to get yourself asking new questions that may lead you to some new places.

Blog post of Prof. Heather Hofmeister about the event (in German)

HeRA Werkstatt - „Gelebte Wissenschaftskultur“ 30.5.2016

Wissenschaftler/innen sehen sich im beruflichen Alltag häufig mit einer Vielzahl von Verant-wortungen konfrontiert. Besondere Herausforderungen stellen sich gerade am Beginn der wissen-schaftlichen Karriere, wenn neben der eigentlichen Forschungsarbeit auch die Anleitung und Führung von Mitarbeiter/innen, die konkrete Wissensvermittlung, das Begutachten wissenschaft-licher Arbeiten u.v.a. unvermittelt Teil des eigenen Aufgabenspektrums werden. Im Rahmen der „HeRA Werkstatt – Gelebte Wissenschaftskultur“ soll ein Forum geschaffen werden, diese impliziten Verantwortungen und Anforderungen an (Nachwuchs-) Wissenschaftler/innen zu thematisieren und zu diskutieren. Die thematischen Schwerpunkte sollen dabei auf drei Themenbereichen „Prüfen" (u.a. Bewerten von Prüfungsleistungen), „Begutachten“ (Gutachten für Dissertationen, Fachliteratur u.a.) sowie „Führen und Arbeiten in Teams“ (Vermittlung von Werten und Kriterien) liegen.

HeRA Werkstatt - Success Factors for Employability of Young Researchers, 08.06.2015
Nowadays the labour market, including research positions, is very competitive and additional skills may significantly contribute to the successful career development. The German economy is by far the most powerful in Europe and offers various possibilities for young researchers. This HeRA Werkstatt provides insights into important skills needed to communicate, work and succeed on the German job market and how international experience brings along many additional values, which are recognised and appreciated by employers in both the academic and the non-academic sector.

HeRA Werkstatt - Wie gelingt eine wissenschaftliche Karriere?, 27.11.2014
Sind es vor allem die fachlichen Kompetenzen, Fachwissen und wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse, die den Karriereerfolg bestimmen? Oder sind es insbesondere soziale Kompetenzen  („Soft Skills“) und Führungsqualitäten, die den Weg für eine wissenschaftliche Karriere bereiten?
Damit die Heine Research Academies ein attraktives Angebot für die weitere berufliche Karriere der (Nachwuchs-)Wissenschaftler/innen entwickeln und zusammenstellen können, wurde im Rahmen dieser HeRA Werkstatt über mögliche Weiterbildungsformate und Unterstützungsmöglichkeiten an der HHU diskutiert.


              Impressions of previous HeRA-Werstatt events, Photos: Heine Research Academies