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Career counselling for postdoctoral researchers of all subject areas at HHU

By career we mean development in a professional activity that is in line with personal interests, values and competencies.
We would like to support you in ensuring that your employment at HHU has a long-term positive influence on this development and helps you to progress personally. We offer individual career advice and support you in the development and formulation of career goals.

In our understanding, a career is created from the relationships between the three simultaneously running processes - the shaping of the biography, the professional career and the professional development. (Rappe-Giseke; Triadic career advice 2008, p.139)
Within a confidential setting, we would like to work out individual values and competencies together with you, define goals and identify implementation possibilities.
Uncertainty and indecisiveness may have their place; through discussion and step-by-step clarification, perspectives for action can be developed.

Please contact us for further information and/or a consultation appointment.


Make use of our career guide for postdocs:

Whether you are looking for an academic career or a non-academic career: In any case, concrete goals and planning are an important basis for a career path that suits you. JUNO has developed a career guide for you, which should help you to take a look at your own career development in good time. Your personal career plan developed in this way can then be the starting point for further discussions and conversations with mentors and colleagues.

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