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HeRA Lunch - Have lunch and educate yourself

Bring your lunch and educate yourself! Please join us for the Heine Research Academies lunch talks. Invited speakers are introducing information on research careers, HHU-internal funding programmes for research and teaching, HHU facilities supporting your research or other helpful information on "How to get around at HHU“. How it works? Bring your sandwiches, foster your knowledge and get into casual conservation with the referee, your peers and colleagues afterwards - once a month at noon time.

Event information

Target audience Doctoral and postdoctoral researchers of HHU
Date and Time as announced with the event (see below)
Meeting room Online via Webex (Please use registration link)
Special Remarks Feel free to have lunch while listening to the talk!
Contact juno (at) hhu.de

Upcoming HeRA Lunch Sessions:

01 October 2024
Support when dealing with digital violence

In recent years, the atmosphere and hostility towards scientists and scientific institutions - not only, but especially in social media - has become increasingly harsh.
Especially in research areas with direct social implications and therefore particularly controversial topics, such as climate change, vaccinations, genetically modified food, gender, migration, political and religious extremism or animal testing, there has been an increase in threats, hate speech, intimidation and other forms of attacks on scientists and science communicators.

SciComm-Support guides and advises scientists and science communicators in the event of attacks and unobjective conflicts in science communication. Kristin Küter, a member of the SciComm Support Network, will give a brief overview of anti-science and hate speech at this event. She will show what options for action exist and provide information about the support available from SciComm-Support. Afterwards, further questions can be clarified in a joint discussion.

The event is organized with HHU's Citizen Science Unit. It takes place online on 01 October, 2024 from 3 to 4.30 pm (Afternoon Event!). The event language is English. Registration

Fall 2024
Düsseldorfer Weg and its career paths

As part of the two-stage certificate program "Düsseldorfer Weg", there is the opportunity to familiarise yourself with three prominent academic career paths and learn about the respective training paths - (1) Lecturer (2) Researcher and Professor (3) Science Management. Talking to experienced experts in the three fields gives you the opportunity to get more hands-on information about the career fields and the tasks, that come with them.

With a corresponding series of talks in the context of HeRA Lunch (online), there will be the opportunity to exchange ideas with the experts and to ask questions. Topics will include:

  •    Presentation of the current job, in retrospect the most important stations on the way there
  •     The biggest challenges in the job
  •     Support and hurdles on the career path
  •     alternative career paths/plan B


Presentation of the guidelines for permanent positions in science in addition to professorships and the professional field "Lecturer"

Dr. Madlen Kazmierczak,
Personal assistant to the president at HHU

Dr. Nancy Schmidt, Lecturer in Biology at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences

Tuesday, 22.10.2024: 12:30-13:30 (online).

The talk will be in German. Event Registration.


Job fields "Researcher" and "Professorship"

The job field researcher as well as information on obtaining a professorship is available this year at the Panel discussion of the HHU Research Funding Days. Jun.-Prof. Melanie Fritsch (Game Studies) and Prof. Dr. Stefanie Weidkamp-Peters (Head of CAI) introduce their duties accordingly.

Tuesday, 12.11.2024: 11-12 pm (online). Please register for the session by registrating for the Research Funding Days.

The panel discussion is held in English.


Job field "Research Management"

Guest: Dr. Lea Kawaletz, Project Manager Digital Filing at HHU with a PhD in English Studies

Wednesday, 4 December 2024.: 12:30-13:30 (online).

This talk will be held in English. Event Registration.

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