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Jun.-Prof. Dr. Markus Suta

"Junges Kolleg", North Rhine-Westphalian Academy of Sciences, Humanities and the Arts

Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät

Telefon: 0211 81-13147
E-Mail: suta (at) hhu.de
Webseite: AG Anorganische Photoaktive Materialien

Research Areas  

The research group of Jun.-Prof. Dr. Markus Suta wants to generate and investigate inorganic luminescent (photoactive) materials and understand them precisely with the help of modelling. These models should make it possible to design the materials specifically for special applications. In particular, ions of the lanthanides or rare earth element group are the focus of his research. Applications of his group's research include new LEDs and displays as well as antimicrobial light sources.
Another field of research is "optical thermometry". With the help of temperature-dependent luminescence, the optical signal of a luminescent substance can be measured on the surfaces of catalysts, in biological media or in microelectronics without affecting their functionality.

Research Career

Markus Suta studied chemistry at the University of Siegen, from where he also obtained his PhD in 2017. He studied pysics as a second degree (Master 2019). He refined this combination of experimental and theoretical work as a postdoc at the Universiteit Utrecht in the Netherlands. Since May 2021, he has been a W1 professor with tenure track for Inorganic Photoactive Materials at HHU.

  • Member of "Junges Kolleg", North Rhine-Westphalian Academy of Sciences, Humanities and the Arts,  since 2023

  • Emerging Investigator, Journal of Materials Chemistry C (2022)

  • Prize of the Dirlmeier-Foundation for excellent doctoral research (2018)

  • Finalist of the Reaxys Award Ceremony (2017)

  • Scholarship from the German National Academic Foundation (Study grant) (2010 - 2012)