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Publication Strategies in Science

JUNO Workshop

Target audience postdocs of all research areas    
Language English    
Duration 1 day, 8 working units    
Workshop costs Participation is free for HHU members and members of HHU's Medical Faculty.    
Credits for habilitation Yes    
Registration Please register using the registration form below.    

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9 am - 5 pm

In-person Workshop @ HHU Registration

"Publish or perish" - nowadays this caveat is more valid than ever in science. The motivations driving researchers to publish their work are diverse: ranging from the the dissemination of research results to to strengthening one's own reputation as a scientist. All, ever more important in the context of pursuing a research career. The quality of one's research is commonly measured on the basis of his/her publication output and the visibility of one's research. Moreover, quantitantive publication standards have become more and more important to evaluate the quality of science. Thus, bibliometric factors are becoming increasingly important for the measurement of academic performance. At the same time, the possibilities of publication platforms are at least as diverse as the scientists, who want to use them. Thus, it is important for young researchers, early in their career, to learn to present their scientific results and to develop publication strategies.

The workshop is aimed at postdocs who are currently developing or have already developed their own research results and want to publish them in view of a strategic career plan.

The participants will:

  • Gain insight into the publication process and different publication formats and platforms
  • Discuss pro and contra of Open Access publications
  • Come to know about quality assessment (peer review) and measurements of a scientific publication
  • Learn about the structure of a scientific publication
  • Receive information about quality criteria for a "good" publication
  • Be informed about good scientific publication practice
  • Learn about a reasonable publication strategy
  • Develop an outline for an individual publication strategy based on their short-term and mid-term career plans.

Methods: This workshop will include a mixture of tools, from short presentations to group work and individual excercises to plenum discussions.

After nearly twenty years of a career as a researcher, with positions at various German and foreign universities, Annette Kolb decided in early 2014 to leave academia to become a consultant and trainer for academics, particularly early-career researchers and young faculty members. She offers a diverse range of workshops and coaching services. Through this offering, she imparts essential key skills and professional background knowledge for effective and strategic career planning.