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Your Innovation Journey – how to think innovatively

JUNO Workshop in collaboration with CEDUS

Target audience Docs & Postdocs of all research areas
Language English
Duration 1 day, 8 work units
Capacity max. 15
Credits for habilitation yes
Workshop costs Participation is free for HHU members and members of HHU's Medical Faculty.
Registration Please register using the registration form below.

Upcoming workshops

Date and Time Time Format Registration


10 am - 5 pm

On Site Workshop


Often excellent research results end up solely as publications occupying shelves and hard drives in libraries. There is often an untapped potential in published research that may remain unexplored due to the pervasive fear that these results are not perfect for any application!

In this workshop using research canvas, ideation techniques and understanding user-centric thinking, you will view your own research via an entrepreneurial lens. Interested graduates, post-graduates and postdocs from all areas of science are invited to learn about methods that support their innovation journey.

Knowing societal megatrends  we can focus on innovation areas that foster need-centric entrepreneurial projects at universities. You will learn how to think innovatively yourself without necessarily having to become an entrepreneur.

Content – The Innovation Journey: Research Impact to Technology Pitching

Research Impact – Create impact statement understanding the benefits of your research

  • Understand benefits of your research
  • Create impact statement
  • Problem-solutions and state of the art

Research to Use-case – Ideate to create a good problem-solution fit.

  • Ideation basics
  • Problem-solution fit
  • Understand users and  use-cases

Team building & Pitch – Understand the essentials of team building and pitch your Innovation

  • Understand team-roles and team dynamics
  • Basics of pitch
  • Pitch your innovation

Dr. Dadhichi Paretkar is a Transferscout at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences at the University of Cologne and part of the Gateway Excellence Start-Up center of the university since 2020. He assists researchers at all stages of their career  in exploring the full innovation potential of their research.  Offers strategic support to sustain research impact along the innovation journey of a technology from lab to market.  He has a trained researchers on innovation,  transfer and entrepreneurship and is a certified trainer for Science Entrepreneurship by the Young Entrepreneurs in Science (Fallingwalls Foundation, Berlin).  He has extensive experience in venture building within international academia and industry and  brings in more than a decade of experience working in multi-disciplinary materials research, innovation  and transfer projects across UK, US, the Netherlands and Germany.
