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Career information for researchers

Your research at HHU is an important step on your personal career path. To ensure that this phase is as profitable as possible for you, we would like to support you with tips, information and advice. Please feel free to contact us!


Career guide for postdocs

Whether you are looking for an academic career or a non-academic career: In any case, concrete goals and planning are an important basis for a career path that suits you. The HHU postdoc guidelines give you a direction on how the postdoc phase can be organisedJUNO has developed a career guide for you, which should help you to take a look at your own career development in good time. Your personal career plan developed in this way can then be the starting point for further discussions and conversations with mentors and colleagues.
Download and/or print Career Guide


Contact points and information for HHU researchers

Legal framework for academics

In order to do justice to the framework conditions in academic education, there is a special regulation for academics* - the Act on Temporary Employment Contracts in Science (Wissenschaftszeitvertragsgesetz, WissZeitVG).
More information on Academic employment law

Further information on working conditions in science:

Representations for scientific staff:

According to the provisions of the NRW State Personnel Representation Act (LPVG), a separate staff representation body must be set up for academic staff at universities. The Staff Council for Academic Staff at Heinrich Heine University advises and represents academic staff from all faculties at the university.

Complaints Office pursuant to Art. 13 General Act on Equal Treatment 

The purpose of the German General Act on Equal Treatment (Allgemeines Gleichbehandlungsgesetz – AGG), which entered into force in 2006, is to prevent or stop discrimination on the grounds of: Race or ethnic origin,  Gender,  Religion or belief,  Disability, Age or Sexual orientation. Legislators have explicitly stipulated that employees have the right to lodge complaints.
Complaints Office at HHU

Information on Mentoring

MyNRMN is a powerful social networking platform for students and researchers across the biomedical, behavioral, social, and clinical sciences to connect with one another for anything from general questions about research and professional development as a scientist to scheduling more formal mentorship appointments one-on-one or as a group.

→ SelmaMeyerMentoring für weibliche Wissenschaftler*innen an der HHU

Concerning conficential matters you have several contacts within and outside of university who will support you.

HHU-internal contact persons


Contacts outside of HHU

Ombudsman for Researchers

Network against Abuse of Power in Science

Counselling in the event of attacks and unobjective conflicts in scientific communication

Science Communication Support

For iGRAD members: counselling for career planning, career development, and employment applications
Which criteria are important for me in the choice of my future career? Which career paths are compatible with these criteria? What do I need to know now, if I intend to follow an academic career? Which interdisciplinary skills/qualifications are required and by whom? How can I coordinate my strategy for advanced professional education with my career choice? Where can I find relevant job vacancies and how do I read the advertisements? Where can I find useful advice and tips about applying for a position? In addition to the offers that are an integral part of its workshop program, iGRAD offers information and counselling related to many aspects of career planning, career development, and job applications to its members who are doing their doctoral research. These offers range from an evaluation (based on the “career anchor” concept) of individual needs and priorities related to career decision, through advice and tips for job applications, to planning advanced training that harmonizes with career targets (focussed competence development).
More information on the iGRAD Website.


For philGRAD members: Consulting and Coaching
The Coordination Office of the Graduate Academy philGRAD is happy to advise its members and all interested parties in all matters concerning membership and the qualification, counselling and mentoring programme that is currently being set up. We are also available as contact partners in case of conflict. More information on the philGRAD Website.


Career councelling for postdocs of all research areas
By career we mean the development in a professional activity that is in line with personal interests, values and competencies. We would like to support you in ensuring that your employment at HHU has a long-term positive influence on this development and helps you to progress personally. We offer individual career advice and support you in the development and formulation of career goals. More information is available on the  JUNO Websites.



Career information


Junior Scientist and International Researcher Center (JUNO)
Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf
Universitätsstr. 1
Building: 16.11
Floor/room: 46+48
40225 Düsseldorf Nordrhein-Westfalen
8113955; -13564
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