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Research funding

Below you find information regarding the funding of your research projects. You can find the links to several stipend databases. There you have the ability to search for funding opportunities using your own search criteria. In addition, you will find a collection of links to national and european funding organizations which offer funding for you and your project.

Information and links on research funding

The Department for Research and Transfer at HHU provides a service that keeps you updated on research funding programms and calls via the Information service Research, International Relations and Transfer of the Research Management (in German). You can define your own, field specific search criteria and get a regular newsletter update.

Grant applications
Questions and requests concerning grant applications for third party funding can be addressed at the Research and Transfer Department at HHU .

DFG Liaison officer
DFG liaison officer at HHU - Prof. Dr. Ute Bayen

  • Junges Kolleg der Nordrhein Westfälischen Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Künste
  • Junge Akademie an der Berlin-Brandenburgischen Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Deutschen Akademie der Naturforscher Leopoldina

HHU internal funding measures for junior researchers

Heine Research Academies support doctoral and postdoctoral researchers with travel grants for:

  • active participation at academic conferences and symposia abroad
  • research stays abroad

Through the Strategic Research Fund (SFF), HHU provides its own funding for high-quality research projects and new initiatives by its scientists* in order to sharpen the university's research profile and strengthen its national and international competitiveness.

The programme "Third-Party Funding Bonus for Young Researchers" is intended as an incentive for young researchers to apply for third-party funding. It is financed by the Strategic Research Fund (SFF) and applies to the non-medical faculties of HHU.

The Faculty of Medicine provides part of the state grant for research and teaching specifically to promote the faculty's own research. On behalf of the Faculty of Medicine, the Research Committee pursues the goal of promoting high-quality and internationally competitive research projects. It has the task of steering this process by allocating the subsidies. It decides on the eligibility of projects for funding according to the guidelines adopted by the Faculty Council of the Faculty of Medicine.