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Postdoc to HHU

Welcome at Heinrich Heine University!

Doing a postdoc is part of the qualification for a future independent research career.  As a postdoc you develop your own scholarly competence working under the supervsion of HHU faculty members. You build a scientific network and learn additional subject specific methods and technics.

JUNO likes to provide guidance and support for you in order to promote attractive and sustainable (research) careers!

Postdocs are researchers who obtained a doctorate. They are employed for a limited period of time in order to gain further qualifications. Generally, they aim for a career in science. In the course of the postdoc phase, a reorientation may take place for positions outside academic academia, for example in business or industry, in science management (also scientific infrastructure) or in culture, politics and society. Characteristic for the postdoc phase is the autonomous development of one's career and the setting of the course for one's further career path. Postdocs are in the R2 phase according to the EU phase model (European Commission Directorate General for Research & Innovation 2011). („recognised researcher, PhD holders or equivalent who are not yet fully independent“(1).

(1) Research profiles descriptors | EURAXESS (europa.eu), Whereas we classify junior research group leaders, persons with ERC Starting Grants, Heisenberg professorships, junior professorships, habilitation candidates in the later stages, etc. as being in the advanced professional development, i.e. the R3 phase. (Established Researcher, Researchers who have developed a level of independence).

By providing the appropriate research environment HHU wants their postdocs to be able to

  • extend their knowledge on methods and techniques as well as gaining additional scientific work routine
  • have an annual review that includes input by the postdoc and the mentor with a focus on productivity and feasible career goals
  • use support in writing grant applications and developing an own strategic research profile
  • get coaching while setting up an own research group and developing own leadership competencies

Moreover, HHU wants to support their postdocs

  • in setting up own networks of research colleagues and get connected on campus
  • so they can present their work at international conferences and meetings
  • with regard to having a good work-life balance. In addition, HHU supports young parents in finding child care.

On behalf of the Junior Scientist and International Researcher Center (JUNO) we welcome you as a postdoctoral researcher at HHU. This

Postdoc Primer

serves as an overview of the support structures for postdocs and aims to bundle all the relevant information together for a smooth start at HHU.

The following guidelines are intended to provide a productive and inspiring working environment as well as good research conditions and opportunities for personal development for HHU postdocs.

HHU Postdoc Guidelines

Supporting documents:

Template for a possible target agreement for the postdoc phase

Recommendations for postdocs to prepare a feedback meeting 

Postdoc career guide (also see below)

The joint process for developing the postdoc guidelines took place in 2023/2024 and is documented here.

Career guide for Postdocs

Whether you are looking for an academic career or a non-academic career: In any case, concrete goals and planning are an important basis for a career path that suits you. Our career guide helps you to take a look at your own career development in good time. Your personal career plan developed in this way can then be the starting point for further discussions and conversations with mentors and colleagues.

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