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Junior Professors and Research Group Leaders Network (jungle_net)

The "Junior Professors and Junior Research Group Leaders Network" (jungle_net) was founded at Heinrich Heine University in Düsseldorf in 2009.
It consists of junior professors and junior research group leaders at Heinrich Heine University who independently lead a junior research group, manage their own budget and can supervise and examine PhD students, but who do not have a permanent faculty position yet.

jungle_net would like to be a platform with the aim of

  • exchanging experiences with regard to leading scientific and academic study groups across disciplinary boundaries in an open atmosphere,
  • increasing the profile of junior scientists and scholars at HHU (and therefore also the attractiveness of the university in the hope that new junior research groups establish themselves there), 
  • being a first contact for newly arriving junior researchers starting their research work at HHU.

Upcoming events

jungle_net Lunch

Main Mensa, meeting point ground floor

Wednesday, 23 October 2024, 12 o'clock
Wednesday, 27 November2024, 12 o'clock

December Special – 13 December 2024 – Jungle_Net Christmas Party

Wednesday, 22 January 2025, 12 o'clock
Wednesday, 26 February 2025, 12 o'clock


Role model, Teacher, Watchdog? 
– Good Research Practice in the Context of Supervision

19. Februar 2025, 14 - 16 Uhr, Faculty Club
Moderation: Dr. Debbie Radtke, iGRAD

„Each researcher is responsible for ensuring that his or her conduct complies with the standards of good research practice.“ (Preamble, Rules on the principles for safeguarding Good Research Practice at Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf)

But what if I am not only responsible for my own actions, but also for those of others? What co-responsibility do I have as a supervisor? How can I ensure that all my staff and team members are aware of their own responsibilities?
Good Research Practice involves much more than documentation, avoiding plagiarism and collecting data with integrity. Different issues, questions and uncertainties may arise at different career levels and in different disciplinary cultures. The importance of Good Research Practice in the context of supervision will be highlighted in a short impulse talk. This will be followed by an opportunity to share and discuss different aspects of Good Research Practice.

Please register here for the event


ACDP Alumni Meet Up

“Learn with your peers and from your peers” has been one of the slogans you used to describe the "Academic Career Development Programme (ACDP)" at HHU.
We would like to know what you have ‚learned' and what became of you in the meantime – 
You are cordially invited to the first ACDP Alumni Meet up and Reunion taking place in Düsseldorf on Thursday, 3rdJuly 2025. More information on the programme will follow soon.

If you already know for sure that you will be there, we would be grateful for your notification using the registration form


More information and the latest news, are sent via the Jungle Net mailing list or you get in contact with JUNO directly.