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Giving and receiving feedback

JUNO Workshop

Target audience postdocs of all research areas    
Language English    
Duration 1/2 day, 4 working units    
Workshop costs Participation is free for HHU members and members of HHU's Medical Faculty.    
Credits for habilitation Yes    
Registration Please register using the registration form below.    

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Date Time Format Registration


9 am - 12.30 pm

Online Workshop Registration.

Giving so-called "good" feedback is a core competence for successful leadership and cooperation. Feedback can be given not only by the supervisor to the staff member, but also among colleagues (laterally) or from the employee to the supervisor. Feedback works in all directions - it usually only becomes successful when great attention is paid to the "how". This practical workshop will therefore focus on the "how": After brief input, we will discuss and analyze various situations – preferably based on your own experiences. We will evaluate what works and what doesn’t. Together we will analyze how the various approaches will affect our counterpart and how they can influence the further course of the conversation.

The goals of the practical workshop are

  • to give you more confidence in dealing with feedback situations,
  • to give you some useful tools that you can use in different situations,
  • give you space to try things out and interact with peers,
  • discuss your concrete questions and situations to be clarified.

Krischan Brandl is a certified trainer and Coach, located in Würzburg. He is the Head of the Academic Staff development at JMU Würzburg as well as an experienced trainer within his own company "Kommunikation und Beratung" for all topics concerning communication and application, team work, public speaking, presentation and negotiation skills.

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