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New digital learning platform for postdocs

JUNO opens the possibility to use the digital e-learning platform of our partner TwentyOneSkills, which provides a wide range of online courses especially for all working in higher education systems.

Target group Postdocs of all faculties
Language German and English
Duration 3 months, extension possible
Capacity 15 (limited number of licenses)

Digital learning formats have been an integral part of adult education for some years now. At the latest with the onset of the pandemic, virtual courses have also become part of everyday life in the further education of researchers, science managers etc.

With the launch of a new learning platformby our partner TwentyOneSkills, JUNOs ongoing workshop programme is complemented by a flexible and accessible format with the new digital offering. Learners can now freely choose between synchronous and asynchronous forms of learning (and combine them).

The advantages of this new platform at a glance:

  • Unlimited access to the entire course programme
  • Self-determined learning, when and where you want it
  • Specific qualifications in future skills

The learning platform by TwentyOne Skills currently has more than 35 courses available and is constantly being expanded and updated.

Researchers get the chance to gain specific qualifications in the following key areas:

  • Career Design
  • Communication and Presentation
  • New Work and Leadership
  • Science Communication
  • Time Management.

But also new subject areas that have recently become more popular such as:

  • Agility
  • Design Thinking
  • Mental Health and Cognition.

The E-learning courses are offered in two formats: "Deep Dive" courses are courses with a learning duration of 2-3 hours. Here, a topic is presented in detail. "Nuggets", on the other hand, concentrate on the specific teaching of a technique or method. Those, who choose a nugget do not have to allow for more than approx. 20 minutes of learning time.

Moreover, regular live formats (online) offer the opportunity to exchange ideas on course content, applying methods or addressing individual questions, which are then answered by experts.

How can I use the E-learning? JUNO issues a limited number of licenses to use the E-learning platform by our partner TwentyOneSkills. If you are interested, please fill in this form and tell us briefly why you want to use the offer and from when. You will then receive a reply from us with further information on whether and when you can start using it.

Do I need to pay for the license? No. JUNO covers the costs for the E-learning. The offer is open to all postdocs from HHU.

For how long I can use the license? The license to use the e-learning platform is initially activated for 3 months. If you wish to continue using the E-learning beyond this period, it is possible to extend the license for a further three months. It is also possible to start at a later point with the use of the license.

Are the completed modules creditable? Participants of the certificate program "Skills for careers in business and society" can have completed E-learning modules credited to the extent of a maximum of 8 work units. Up to 2 completed courses are also creditable or the Düsseldorfer Weg - Orientation Phase. The E-Learning courses are not creditable for the habilitation.

What else do I need to consider? After the completion of the usage periode, we expect you to participate in the evaluation of the programme and reflect your learning experience.

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