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Agile Methods Sprint

JUNO Workshop

Target audience postdocs of all research areas    
Language English    
Duration 1 day, 8 working units    
Workshop costs Participation is free for HHU members and members of HHU's Medical Faculty.    
Credits for habilitation Yes    
Registration Please register using the registration form below.    

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Date Time Format Registration


10 am - 5 pm

In-person Workshop @ HHU Registration

A sprint is a common agile method of dealing with a topic in a short time. The aim of this workshop is to get to know some agile methods and to examine exactly which of these methods can bring a real added value to your team. It offers a quick overview of the most common methods such as Design Thinking, Scrum, Sprint, Rapid Prototyping and visual tools such as Canvas.


  • A quick overview of agile methods
  • Focus on agile mindset: without the right culture, the methods won't work
  • Integration of the respective methods into everyday life: "How and in what form can agile methods be applied to us, so that we have a real added value from them?
  • Visualizations, co-creation and iteration
  • Next Steps: Roll out agile methods at your chair, institute or department

Robert Kötter has conducted research at the universities of Bonn, Leipzig and Tokyo. He is a trained systemic coach and has been advising scientists on future topics since 2008. In addition, Robert is the managing director of TwentyOne Skills, the largest training platform for scientists in the German-speaking world.